Today’s guest post is sponsored and written by the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA).

Not everyone is ready to get back in the air, but many people still have trips they need to take. If you’re in that boat (or plane, actually) there are some things you should know before you go.
Most importantly, you should know that the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA) has instituted a number of measures to ensure your security screening experience is as safe and secure as possible.
People travelling by plane from and within Canada need to bring their own face covering. Face coverings need to cover the nose and mouth, be made of at least two layers of tightly woven fabric (such as cotton or linen), and be properly secured to the head. (Check out Public Health Agency of Canada’s guidelines, including instructions on how to make your own mask.)
Note that if you exhibit symptoms of illness such as a cough or difficulty breathing, you will be required to leave the checkpoint.
At major airports, additional hand sanitizing units have been placed by the checkpoints to be used by the public. You can also have one bottle of hand sanitizer up to 355 mL in your carry-on – that’s in addition to the 100 mL bottles that fall under the usual liquids restrictions.

If you’re flying out of one of Canada’s 15 busiest airports, you’ll have your temperature checked when you arrive at the screening checkpoint. You will not be permitted to proceed through screening if your temperature, after two separate tests, is at or above 38⁰C.
While in the queue and in the screening checkpoint, you must keep a distance of two metres between yourself and other passengers. You will be asked to hold on to your own electronic or printed boarding pass or other documents of entitlement while they are scanned.
Aviation is an essential service, ensuring people and goods get to where they need to go, and CATSA has taken every step possible to ensure this happens safely. You can go to their website for more information, or you can download their app for Android or iOS.